Sunday, May 25, 2008

At Last!

After close to two months of waiting for tradespeople who specialize in lettering boat names to show up, we found a good man right in our own neighbourhood. By that time, it seemed so much more appropriate to name our powercat At Last! rather than merely At Last. Here, she rests in her slip at the Fairport Yacht Club dockominium, unfortunately, with a shadow across the name. When we can, we'll replace the photo.

The Trawlers & Trawlering List burgee adorns the port side of At Last! while the Fairport YC burgee is on starboard.

Art Devilliers is the artist who helped us dress up the boat with a name, burgees, hailing port and a Canadian flag. Now, she's ready to start cruising—which we'll do right after the Captain returns from riding a Harley-Davidson from Phoenix to Anchorage for a magazine he's developing.

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